
Showing posts from 2016
Today. I'll start at 2am, when Liv's continuous glucose monitor gave its warning that Liv's sugars were high. We checked her sugar, she was hovering around/above 300, so we had her treat the high with her pump's calculations. At 7am, she was still above 300. She treated again, the pump gave her 2 units of insulin, which should have brought her sugars back into normal range. Before breakfast, I changed her infusion set, to rule out occluded lines or insufficient insulin delivery. Her blood glucose continued to hover between 250 and 300. So just to cover all possibilities, I had her check her urine for ketones. For what is the first time since the night of her diagnosis at 2 years old, she was positive for moderate ketones. Two phones calls later with her endocrine office, we had to decide whether or not to send her to school. The nurse said we shouldn't, the diabetic educator thought it was probably ok, but we still hadn't spoken with Liv's pediatric endo