
Showing posts from December, 2018


I devoted 8 minutes to myself today. That was time where I attempted to return to meditation as a healing and necessary discipline. Several times, I had to reel myself back to the images that allow me to meditate peacefully. Several times, I fell back into this stressed out space where my thoughts whirl with anxiety and negative thoughts. I keep asking myself why it is that this time of year is so exhaustively negative, when it should be joyous and energetic and generous? Or is that just our utopian take of what the holidays should be? Was it ever NOT stressed out? I can't remember. I can only get to a pure and quiet meditative place when I place myself outdoors, at specific places I've been, where nature takes my breath away and leaves me in awe of how gorgeous nature is. It's my calm spot and nothing else drops my blood pressure quite like it, unless, of course, I'm actually  out there, breathing in the amazing sights and smells of the pacific northwest temperate ra