
Showing posts from September, 2023

three teenage daughters

 So often we are warned, and the warning comes when we've just had a baby, or when the baby becomes a toddler... 'ohhh you just wait, you just wait until the teen years! Get your sleep now! You've never met anxiety like you will once your kids are teens! And girls...girls are the worst! I'd rather have boys because you are IN for it!' This shit is awful. May each of you who utter this crap bite your own tongues. I have three teenage daughters and I would not change this for the universe. I cannot believe how blessed and lucky I am. They are full of life and energy, beset by the usual societal constraints and stigmas and hormones, that hit girls the hardest, yes we deal with that, but mostly, they are outrageously dynamic and brilliant and kind and so much fun to hang out with. There's already so much to stress over. Life after a pandemic that lingers on, life after an imbecile in charge who threatens our values and policies and wants another go at it, life in ov